Linking Forde North Estate to the newly constructed Mulligans Flat Road is the Mabo Avenue Bridge. This bridge is dual span and consists of a reinforced concrete deck sitting atop 49 prestressed concrete planks.
Linking Forde North Estate to the newly constructed Mulligans Flat Road is the Mabo Avenue Bridge. This bridge is dual span and consists of a reinforced concrete deck sitting atop 49 prestressed concrete planks. Group One, awarded this work as a variation to the Mulligans Flat Road project, commenced excavation to the abutments in mid 2011.
A cast insitu retaining wall up to 2.5m high was constructed either side of the western abutment, with the area around the eastern abutment battered and stone pitched for protection. Bridge barrier railing, pedestrian handrails, footpaths, asphalt, streetlighting & landscaping rounded out construction.
With linemarking & signage completed the bridge was open to public traffic & ACTION buses in late May 2012.