Engaged by the Land Development Agency for the construction of Wright Estate Stage 1A, Group One commenced operations onsite in December 2010. Stage 1A , valued at $15 million, consisted of 173 residential blocks, 2 multi unit sites and open space areas. Originally a pine plantation the whole site required extensive clearing before earthworks could commence. From there over 200,000m3 of fill was placed as part of Stage 1A.
Also included under the scope of works was: all hydraulic reticulation, kerbs, footpaths, driveways, electrical & telecommunication reticulation, pavements, streetlighting and verge landscaping. A 300mm trunk sewer was constructed as off site works to link the estate with an external line. To provide access to this new estate Group One’s scope also involves the construction of three external roundabouts, one on Cotter Road and two on Uriarra Road. All three roundabouts were built under traffic
The performance of Group One and their ability to deliver, despite significant constraints, led to the negotiated award of Stage 1B (198 blocks, 4 multi unit sites) in July 2011 and Stage 2 (137 blocks, 5 multi unit sites) in December 2011. The combined contract value exceeded $48 million.
With all major construction completed by November 2012, Group One delivered over 500 blocks in under two years.